The year 2s have been finding out about nocturnal animals and night-time. We were lucky to have Billie the bat lady in to show the children some bats and talk about her role protecting and looking after injured bats. Billie also offered to come on our night walk and bring some Bat detectors so it would help us locate some bats in the woods. The children were incredibly excited and after a scrumptious feast of hot dogs and strawberries and ice-cream, in Mrs Taylor’s garden, we ventured up into the woods. As it got dark the children were hoping they would be lucky enough to find bats. As it got to 9.30pm it quickly began to get dark and we decided it was too dark to stay in the forest so we walked back onto Cofton Hill. Suddenly our bat detectors went crazy and there in front of us was a pipistrelle bat, as if on cue…the children were fascinated to see it flying around in front of them and it was the perfect end to a great evening.