A cold dreary January morning was a perfect way to start the second of Dartmoor School Sport Partnership’s Young Play leader conferences – as they were looking at ‘Wet Play’ ideas in one of the workshops.
The Young Play Leaders explored some ideas to increase physical activity at their schools even on a ‘wet play’ day. They played table top games of ‘Cup Pong’ (elimination & points scoring versions of the game) and Penny football. They then looked at some of the many interactive websites that you can project in a classroom. Eg. ‘Go Noodle’ and ‘Just Dance’. These ideas were emailed out to the schools for the YPL to learn more about and share at school.
For their second workshop the pupils developed their confidence in refereeing skills. They worked on voice projection, the use of verbal and non-verbal communication, hand signals etc. They designed small sided games and took turns to referee them.
As well as the two workshops pupils designed and shared mini activities with minimal equipment to show how creative they could be designing activities quickly. This is a massive skill of being a top YPL. There was also time to discuss and share good practice amongst schools.