Class 1 have been delighted to take part in the Virgin Money Make £5 Grow Enterprise Project this year. Pupils started by exploring what enterprise means and thinking about the skills they already have to become entrepeneurs. They discussed what they spend their own money on and what was missing from the marketplace. Next, they went away and thought about what they could make and who their target market would be. They completed a costing sheet to work out the cost to create their product and the profit they expected to make. Once they brought their completed costing sheet into school they went to the pop-up bank and signed to accept a ‘loan’ of £5 to kick start their business. Over the following weeks children thought about packaging, adapted and improved their products.
We created an order form to send home to every family, we collated the orders and emailed parents when they were ready for collection. We had a variety of products on sale including: tie dye t shirts, socks and scrnuchies, sweets, bird boxes, wine racks, tea lgiht jars, trinket pots, candle holders, bath bombs, pictures, reindeer and lots more. We are delighted to announce that once the £5 initial investments have been returned to Virgin money the children have made an amazing £400.25- which is incredible. Well done Class 1 and to all of our customers.