Our aim at Cockwood Primary School is to offer a history curriculum which is dynamic, exciting and progressive, where knowledge and skills are developed and built upon over time.
It is broad and balanced, designed to inspire curiosity and a love for history, where children are encouraged to question, make connections and draw conclusions, and to develop their use of rich historical language thereby building confidence in communicating and articulating ideas.
Pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and the wider world, considering how events and individuals have impacted on lives today, both in the local area – where we study what life was like in Cockwood in the past – and beyond.
Important historical skills are developed through the various topics covered, such as chronology, enquiry, investigation, evaluation and interpretation. Pupils are encouraged to debate and draw conclusions, within motivating and exciting learning experiences, which include day trips and residential visits to locations such as London.
Key knowledge underpins each topic, and within this context we explore the complexity of people’s lives and the process of change – we examine how events in the past have shaped our nation and how Britain has been influenced by the wider world.
Through our links with Parliament, we develop an understanding of Britain’s democratic government, contributing to pupils’ citizenship and how they see themselves and their place within the world.
Our exploration of history – from ancient civilisations to the present time, provides our pupils with the knowledge and skills to enable them to be successful historians in the future, curious about our heritage and considerate of other societies and the challenges we face today.