Following Lockdown, we have had a daily focus on building our fitness, stamina and being active through a daily skipping challenge. Children in Classes 2 and 1 have worked in pairs, with one child skipping for 3 minutes while their buddy counts for them before swapping over. The children have been brilliant in supporting each other, and we have been so impressed with the children’s drive and determination in trying to beat their personal scores each day, and the amazing progress many children have made. Class 3 have been working on some early skipping skills, and will be joining in with the daily skipping challenge after half term!
Here are some of the children’s super comments about daily skipping;
Josh – I couldn’t skip before, but now I can do it!
Isla- It’s a good way to start the day. If you’re tired it makes you feel energetic.
Danielle- I think I can see a difference in my fitness because on the first day I got almost 100 and on the last day I got 200. And I am very happy with that.
Sidney: I think it’s a good idea to do skipping and I’m starting to like skipping. I couldn’t skip before! I have gone from 14 skips in 3 minutes to 146 today!!!
Kit- I’ve enjoyed skipping every day, it really makes me happy to be getting fitter and fitter.
Reuben – I used to be ok, but now I’m brilliant!