Class 3’s new PE topic for this half term is dance, and we are already enjoying learning some new moves!
Can’t Stop The Feeling
Our first dance was to ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’ by Justin Timberlake. We already like this song, so learning a dance to it was very exciting!
Every week we are going to learn a new routine, so keep looking to see our new dances!
Enjoy looking at our slideshow of pictures from our first dance session.
Better When I’m Dancing
This week we learnt a dance routine to the song ‘Better When I’m Dancing’ by Meghan Trainor. Class 3 hadn’t heard this song before, but we all decided it was our new favourite song by the end of the day.
We worked hard on keeping to the beat and using powerful moves, and we also tried to add style and flair!
Have a look at our latest dance routine, we are very proud of our progress. Enjoy!
Uptown Funk
Today we learnt a dance to the cool song ‘Uptown Funk’ by Bruno Mars. We focused on trying to add style to the moves, and we worked hard on moving in the same direction at the same time! This was quite a tiring routine, we felt that we had definitely worked hard.
Have a look at our video from our dance, we hope you enjoy watching our routines!