As part of our topic this term on Victorians the children have been finding out about Ismabard Kingdon Brunel.
The children had a fantastic day dressing up as Victorians and role-playing the launch of the ship. All the children were given roles including Lords, Ladies, Engineers and Navvies.
The children also took part in a workshop and learnt how the ship builders used rivets to hold together pieces of metal and build the hull of the ship.
After the workshop the children were given an amazing guided tour of the vessel by John and he really brought the story of the ship alive. The children were fascinated hearing about what it was like in steerage and climbing into the very small bunkbeds! They also found out about the life as a first class passenger and took a tour around the galley.
The children also had time to explore the weather deck, dry dock and museum. An excellent trip and as it brought the Victorian era alive for the children.
You can read more about the SS Great Britain here.