On Wednesday 4th of March six children from Cockwood School Council represented the School with their attendance at the annual Fair Trade Conference held at Westcliff Primary School.
The focus this year was Fair Trade Bananas. The children were lucky enough to meet Simeon Green and Veronica Brown from St Vincent & the Grenadine Islands to the conference.
They spoke passionately about their banana farms and explained how bananas are grown and packed and what a difference Fairtrade premiums mean to them: from schools built and funded in the community to health care centres, plus football fields for the children to play on and wells dug in local villages which means clean drinking water for the local population.
The children had opportunities to taste Fair Trade produce and then ask Simeon questions relating to banana growing and life on the Island of Saint Vincent. This conference gave children a very clear message to take back to their families, friends and school…….choosing Fair Trade makes a BIG difference.
Make a difference yourself and choose Fairtrade.